ITSP SmartSPE Compatible Syringes

ITSP Solutions has assembled a selection of syringes to properly pierce ITSP’s septa. It has long been known that piercing an autosampler vial’s septum required specific syringe needles to prevent coring the septum or worse clogging the inlet of an analytical instrument. Care must be taken to choose the the right point style for the vial and ITSP septum, but also the inlet septum of a GC or LC valve.

ITSP has available three different septum designs for our cartridges. Polypropylene/Silicone, PTFE/Silicone and FEP/Red Rubber. All require a conical AS point style or side-port point-style 5 needle to make a minimum hole in the septa for GC instruments. The same is true for GC injection port septa. The PAL3 compensates for the GC injection but selection of large volume syringes for ITSP are sometimes hard to locate.

LC instruments are a little less complicated because users can easily overfill a valve inlet sample loop. The problem then becomes finding a syringe needle that a can pierce an ITSP SmartSPE cartridge, the sample vial septum and then mate properly with an LC valve requiring a flat-point needle. 22 gauge needles with flat, point-style 3 will core the septum of both the sample vial and the ITSP septum. A 22s gauge point style 3 (narrow inner diameter) makes a smaller core, if one at all, seals better and grips the septum tighter to assist with moving the cartridges around the deck of the instrument.


Check out the new selections in the products section for PAL3 Series I, Series II RTC’s and Gerstel MPS RoboticPRO.